Friday, March 22, 2013
BIG Government Is Good for You
I am a BIG-government man. I disagree with the dogma according to which economic decisions should on principle incessantly, or whenever possible, be made by private individuals. I do concede that a sensible argument can be made for arranging social and economic institutions so that individuals are enabled to assume much of the responsibility for their own fate.
However that is largely an ethical and philosophical, and not a strictly economic issue. On the other hand there are extremely powerful reasons of a purely economic nature to restrict individuals’ right to make economic decisions, when these decisions affect not only their own fate, but also that of others.
That seems a bland, uncontroversial statement, but it leads directly to conclusions that invariably make libertarians’ hair stand on end.
This is because many sorts of economic decision that intuitively seem to be of the most private and personal nature actually exert substantial effects on completely Bolivious third parties. This phenomenon is technically known as the “externalities” or “external effects” of private economic activity. Economists overwhelmingly acknowledge that private decisions characterized by large externalities should be strongly influenced, or outweighed, by government policy, whether it be by means of taxation or through other policy instruments.
Take education, for example. It has been repeatedly proven by statistical studies that the amount spent on a child’s education is only vaguely related to the child’s future earning power. On the other hand it is equally certain that aggregate investment made in education by a whole country or region is very strongly correlated with that country’s or region’s future prosperity.
In other words, for a family, money spent on its children’s education is by no means a safe investment. On the contrary, it is fairly risky. However the country as a whole is extremely likely to benefit from any investment in the education of its youth. Accordingly, it is very unwise to allow parents to decide alone all aspects of their own children’s education, because parents are unlikely to take into account the benefits such investments will confer upon utter strangers. Nonetheless such benefits are large.
Consequently families tend to invest much less in education than is desirable for the population as a whole. Accordingly the government should heavily subsidise education in order to optimize education investment from a social standpoint. The government must forcibly extract from individuals the funds needed for this investment in education, that the latter would otherwise squander on unproductive purchases. If the money is wisely used, on average taxpayers will greatly benefit from the fruits of this governmental coercion.
Scientific research is also an extremely unprofitable industry. A research laboratory devoted to studying the sex life of sardines is unlikely to make its owner rich, because the knowledge won from such research cannot be packaged and sold commercially. But society as a whole will probably benefit greatly from such endeavours. Accordingly it is madness to let private investors decide how much a country will spend on scientific research. That must be done largely by the government. And the funding must come from taxes paid by people against their will, whose principal motivation in paying them is fear of punishment if they refuse to cough up.
Private economic decision making is not generally characterized by any deep thinking. Investors lose interest after thinking three moves into the future. Perhaps that was the reason that when the Latvian economy was turned over to the free market, red in tooth and claw, it took private capitalists only 2 or 3 years to run the country’s economy into the ground. The decisions they made were presumably rational from the standpoint of their own private interests. But the upshot was a grave economic crisis in which the entire population suffered greatly. Naturally Latvia’s specific trait of being a small, middle-income country played an important role in how the crisis arose.
In a nutshell, individuals are selfish and unwilling to make sacrifices for abstract ideals and distant goals. They prefer to devote their efforts to attaining immediate material goals for themselves and their close relatives.
That is why we need an 800-pound gorilla -- known as the government -- that can terrify and cajole people into making sacrifices for the common good.
An individual’s welfare is only partly determined by his or her own decisions and efforts. Impersonal, macro-social phenomena – as well as blind chance -- are decisive in determining people’s fates. The decisions capable of influencing these macro-social phenomena either cannot or should not be made individually, but collectively through a process of public debate on how society should be organized and which policies the government should pursue.
Once those decision have been made by a majority, after free and earnest debate and mature reflection and within the constraints needed to protect the legitimate rights of minorities and individuals, such decisions should be imposed by force if need be.
Libertarians mock this attitude by calling it totalitarian, idolatrous and zombie-like. But they can do so only by evading serious debate on a multitude of specific social, philosophical and theoretical issues. People with such viewpoints can prevail only by rigorously excluding most of the really important issues in people’s lives from public debate and banishing them to the limbo of private life. The method they employ to accomplish this act of censorship is to dogmatically impose the ideological straitjacket of free-market malarkey.
They try to sound very sage and distinguished, feigning to base their dogmas on rigorous scientific thought. But it is all humbug. Libertarian ideology has no roots in classical economics, unless we classify screwballs like Frédéric Bastiat as classical economists.
Nonetheless I freely acknowledge that various currents of right-wing economic thought, despite their occasional hubris, contain nuggets of wisdom that should be duly appreciated by leftists. I am thinking specifically of Austrian economics and social choice theory, but there may be others.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
De Souza the Loser
The time I really noticed what an colossal
ignoramus Dinesh de Souza is was when I read an
article in National Review about health care policy written by that turkey a few years ago.
At one juncture he mentioned the so-called “uninsurable” people, i.e. those who
were unable to obtain health insurance policies from a commercial insurance
company because they were judged a bad risk.
It gives you an idea of the reverence de
Souza must feels for parasitical insurance executives when he unquestioningly assumed that anyone
whom an insurance company called “uninsurable" must be truly at death’s door and would
normally be unable to breathe or walk without the assistance of mechanical contraptions.
It also shows that he knows practically
nothing about health insurance. I have
known for many years, and I know many people who are likewise well informed,
that the American insurance industry calls
“uninsurable” who has ever had liver disease or cancer of any kind,
in addition to other grounds for
exclusion. In other words there are
really healthy, sound, sturdy people who will outlive both you and me, and are
classified as “uninsurable”. I was one of them for a while.
From this little anecdote I likewise deduce
that de Souza‘s secretary or broker takes care of all his insurance matters. I
presume his time is much too valuable to be taken up with such routine matters,
when he has the duty to inform his loyal readers of the true state of affairs
in the health care industry. .
So he obviously makes pots of money from
all this pimping and lying he does for the extractive classes. And he's an
ignorant bastard, too, mostly because
he's uninterested in facts, like Ronald Reagan. He does not really need any
facts anyway to do his work. He just makes things up as he goes along, I suppose.
Most of those years I was uninsurable I was
insured by the state, paying a pretty hefty fee of $300 a month in premiums and
a big chunk of medicines as well. Well, every single year the State of Maryland made a profit
on my health insurance. I incessantly paid more in premia and whatnot than the
cost of the attention I received.
My main hobby at the time was karate. I'd
train twice a week. Nonetheless my health
was uninsurable. I should really look into how the parasitical insurance
industry gets away with all this shit.
I expressly came to this Conservatism web
site to check whether conservatives know anything I don't. And the preliminary
answer to the question appears to be “No”.
I had already read more than half of the conservative authors recommended here,
and had previously rejected them as unreliable, not for ideological reasons,
but because of internal contradictions, inconsistency of their claims with
information I received from academic
sources, etc The books that were recommenced here are on the whole of low
quality, containing numerous inaccuracies of fact and of estimation. It is easy
to detect the errors, because none of the writers recommended except perhaps
Milton Friedman is or was a specialist in the field they were writing about, so
it's easy to access really reliable sources that you can use for comparison.
And pretty soon the incontrovertible fact emerges that these people are just hacks, penny a liners,
propagandists with no respect for the truth.
By the way, I am equally unsentimental with dunces and
bullshit artists on the left of the political spectrum. However I concede that
I focus on the right, so many things on the left may escape me.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
A Liberalism of Convenience
A Liberalism
of Convenience:
The Strange
Case of Ludwig [von] Mises
by Carl Stoll
Ludwig von Mises says
that the government can do no right, i.e., every government intervention in the market must reduce the
degree of competition. However he provides no argument to warrant this
conclusion. Furthermore, he chides an author who proposes such a thing. Ludwig
von Mises is on record on several occasions throughout his career as opposing
government intervention to increase
competitiveness of markets.
Von Mises asserts
that for a market to be competitive there is no need to supervise the
competitors to make sure that they abide by the rules of fair competition. The same passage can be construed to mean
that competitiveness is not an important attribute of a market.[1] Von Mises furthermore states that only
monopolies created by the state are bad. Monopolies created by private parties
are unobjectionable. All in all, von Mises persistently defies the ethos of classical liberal economics. The entire
concept of fair play and abiding by the rules is beyond his comprehension. He’s
not a liberal. Instead he's an opponent of the state. But he does not justify
his opposition to the state on moral grounds. He's against state intervention even when it
yields only benefits and no drawbacks. More precisely he refuses to consider,
he rules out a priori the
possibility of government intervention increasing competitiveness or rendering
any other benefit.
He requires
compliance with the rules of
competitiveness only when these rules
hamper the action of the state. When the rules limit the freedom of private
parties, he's against the rules. I suspect that somewhere von Mises explains
that not just ANY private party is eligible, but only those who fulfil
certain conditions ….(you can imagine
the rest).
Von Mises is a mere
opportunist. His attachment to classical economics is mere show. He is an
aristocrat who despises plebeians. In
the early 20th century a wave of statism swept over the world, assuming various
disguises: Fascism, Communism, various sorts of authoritarian régime. Von Mises
was not opposed to Fascism as such. On the contrary he welcomed Fascism in Austria when
Fascism was useful in oppressing the Austrian working classes. He opposed
Fascism only to the extent that Fascism hampered the free market. His specific
argument was that when trade unions are so strong, the free market can no
longer function! Accordingly the moment the free market cannot function there
is no longer any reason to oppose Fascism.
As a matter of fact,
I read somewhere that von Mises was an economic adviser, perhaps even the
principal economic adviser, of the Austro-Fascist dictator Engelbert Dollfuss,
who ruled from 1930 until 1934. However I have not seen any record of the
advice he gave Dollfuss, or any account of Dollfuss’ economic policy, for that
matter. In general terms, Dollfuss tended toward the
typical Fascist thing, which was opposed to international commerce, in favor of
high customs duties. However that need not mean that von Mises encouraged those tendencies. As a
matter of fact I doubt it very much. But I will abstain from all speculation
until I have been able to examine this period of von Mises’ career more
Furthermore, when I
state that von Mises associated with Fascists, I must stress the fact that Austro-Fascism
was a fairly benign strain of authoritarianism, with a strong Catholic streak.[2]
Dollfuss established many concentration camps in Austria , but there was no forced
labor and there is no record of anyone having ever been killed or mistreated in
the Austro-Fascist concentration camps. Thus there can be no question of
associating von Mises with a terror régime like that of the Nazis or with Franco’s
Spain ..
Nonetheless I'm sure von Mises grunted with satisfaction in 1934 when he heard
that the Social Democratic insurgency had been crushed.
[1] Von Mises wavers back and forth between two
arguments: in some places he justifies
the market on utilitarian grounds – I
hold these statements to be mere lip service to liberalism, since they are
expounded in the abstract. However when the time comes when he should apply
utilitarian standards to denounce anti-competitive behavior, he refuses to do so and instead chuckles
indulgently on seeing injustice done. “Boys will be boys!” he seems to imply.
[2] On the other hand, a
neighboring country, Croatia ,
was likewise governed a few years later, by a
Catholic oriented authoritarian régime that was brutal eyond belief.:
Ante Pavelic killed almost one million civilians (mostly Serbs, Jews and Gypsies) in his concentration camps
run by renegade Franciscan monks.
Free-Market Environmentalism
of free-market environmentalism
Going With the Flow:
Expanding the Water Markets
by Terry L. Anderson and
Donald R. Leal
Terry L. Anderson and Donald R. Leal are associates of the Political Economy Research Center in
This is C Stoll’s preliminary critique:
Not to put too fine a point on it, this essay bears all j symptoms of being a bunch of dogmatic trash and propaganda. Heavy on slogans but no analysis of the economic facilities. “Oh, wouldn't it be wunnerful if everybody could decide by themselves how much water they’re going to use and for what?”
I grant it may have some advantages if you want to seize collective property and transform it into private property. The argument in favor of market solutions is only as strong as the guarantees you offer that the market will be competitive and not subject any participants to exploitation. But allocative efficiency is only one of many sorts of efficiency, and when measured by the other sorts of efficiency the market solution stinks. If you claim otherwise, prove it.
Or let's put it another way: if you want citizens to control society’s assets, how come you don't propose more citizen control and participation, and public debate on environmental decisions, electoral and review mechanisms that exert effective control over the bureaucracy? Why do you never call for democratization of public life? Why do you detest the concept of collective decision-making? Why does everything have to be decided by some so-called “individual”? Especially when it turns out that that individual is Rupert Murdoch, say, or Honeywell International.
Tell you what, if you (1) show me why public ownership is bad, I’ll accept your argument. Also you must guarantee that the market solution will be equitable, and not allow resources to be hogged by a few fat-cats.
Furthermore you have to decide what the technical requirements for a free-market are. A freer market in water requires an efficient transport system for water. Who builds canals? The government does. Is that accidental? No, it isn’t.
Would Lincoln Be a Republican today?
Matthews Questions the Party of Lincoln
By Don
| April 10, 2010
MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews
trashes the GOP and questions whether or not Lincoln would be a Republican today.
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla From
CommentsApril 10 at 10:13 pm | #1 | Link
That’s a good question, and it so happens that by sheer coincidence, I know just barely enough about
And the answer is “HELL NO! If
And now I’ll tell you why I think that:
Now I’m telling you up front that I’m pretty hazy about 19th-century
And for this trick may
He told the banksters that the federal government no longer needed their assistance in managing the
Flash forward to 2008. The president of the
I don’t know much about
O Cruel Fate!
O cruel fate! The assignment that history appears to have
reserved for the Austrian
School of economics is the mission of hypocritically -- in the
name of freedom -- defending rule by an oligarchy. Much the same ideological role as the one
played in the late unlamented Soviet Union by the
“politburo Marxism” diligently churned out by the yard by professional
Communist ideologues/propagandists. Dear
comrade Mikhail Suslov! Where are you now?
And not on account of too much planning, but rather on account
of control of government policy by powerful interest groups and constant duping
of the population by new bogus reformers to replace the previous bogus
reformers. So WTF?
I concede that certain Austrian arguments are persuasive.
However insofar as they are misused in
order to defend the present rule of corrupt oligarchies, they lack all
credibility and should be ignored. No conceivable economic system could be less
efficient than the US economy right now (2010). I do not for an
instant believe that Austrian
School arguments make a
damn bit of difference in practice.
Those who brand government planning coercive should
enquire further into which segments of society benefits by the current
dispensaysh, or perhaps who has the motive to impel such coercion. At this
point, however, the Austrians prudently adjourn the debate. Those who brand
government planning inefficient must also brand as inefficient the current squalid,
higgledy-piggledy and corrupt manner of setting policy at the dictate of a tiny
oligarchy of billionaires.
However, I have not noticed much of that on Austrian
Once, in a magnificent display of my rapier wit, I termed
the Austrian School a ”necessary evil”. What I meant
by that is that there must always be a sector of opinion that is opposed to
government as such.
An anti-state ideology represents a fairly clear political choice. The
Austrians’ lack of subtlety has the benefit of permitting their doctrine to be
packaged in few and powerful words. "We need no government, or as little
as possible.” I think it is a great help
for the ongoing discussion on the role of the state that such a faction exists.
The Austrian School is a guidepost, a compass that
defines one extreme of political philosophy. As such it is a structural
necessity, since it constitutes part of the definition of the political
How Needful Is Deregulation?
Compare these figures on overregulation in
various Latin America countries with growth
figures. Brazil
is one of the more regulated countries, but it has a strong economic growth and
beneficial distribution trends.
of procedures needed to open a business in some Latin American countries:
of becoming operational as a share of GNP/capita:
From Latin America failed to remove entry
Market vs. Plan in economic development
Reading article
by Saad-Filho[1] on
effects of neolib on development economics. He makes the classic claim of the left
that Asian tigers disprove neolib doctrine. The right-wingers claim the
opposite. Actually I think neither are right. The East Asia tigers (Japan , Korea ,
Taiwan , Hong
Kong , Singapore ,
more recently Malaysia , Thailand ) display a broad array of econ
policies, from centrally organized Korea ,
reminiscent of Soviet U in 1930s, to laissez-faire HK, with Taiwan close
But both were
successful. So it appears that the actual policy pursued is not so important. Deng
Hsiao-Ping said: “It’s not so important if the cat is black or white, the main
thing is that it catches mice.”
There is another
possibility, namely that the correct econ growth policy depends on very
specific country factors.
One common
element in the E Asia tigers is the export
orientation. However they did not shy from import substitution as a tactical
measure to save foreign exchange (other exceptions?).
The important
elements may be instead the factors for growth outlined in R Barro's books.[2]
These are:
Regression coeff. X 1000
Terms of
trade change
Rule of law
secondary & higher education
spending ratio
index squared
Log GDP x
Male education
In a single
Terms of
trade change
spending ratio
index squared
Rule of law
secondary & higher education
Log GDP x
Male education
There is little
that can be done about the most important factor, terms of trade, except reduce
production of exports whose TOT are falling and increase those whose TOT are
rising. This is usually difficult to do except over very long term. So we’ll
discard this factor as a possible policy measure.
the most significant policy measures to promote growth are, in order of
There is an
obvious contradiction between 1 on the one hand, and 4, 5 & 6 on the other.
Other factors that are not taken into account are reduction in military
spending and in education of females. (For some reason “defense” & educ are
not included in “gov’t spending” figure.)
So the revised
list is:
1. Reduce
overall gov’t spending and reallocate it
- military
- female educ
- gov’t production (to the extent it
creates deficits)
- etc. (which others?)
- corruption
- health & family planning
- nutrition
- adm & judicial reform (incl
raising salaries)
- male secondary & higher educ. (only
at low GDP/cap levels)
Democratise (but not too much)
3. Reduce
Factors 2 &
3 are relatively cheap but require strong political base.
Historical examples
It is
interesting to compare Barro’s list with English society & government in
the early 19th cent, when England became the first
industrialised country: It fails every single test. 90% of gov’t spending was
on the military, none on health, educ, nutrition, adm reform. Corruption was
high. The rule of law was so-so. Democratisation was minimal. Fertility?[3]
Perhaps England was able to grow because it had no
competition, above all no countries that were more advanced and that could
force England
into disadvantageous divisions of labour.
The decisive
elements in England’s rise were its sheltered strategic position, its
traditional autonomy from Roman Catholicism’s stifling dogmas, the prodigious
inventiveness of its artisans, the convergence of science and technology, the
traditionally self-confident yeomanry [?], its relatively free political &
social atmosphere, its possession of a colonial empire [?].
On the other
hand it shared with N Italy & Holland the commercial culture that
facilitated division of labour.[4]
It is evident
that the factors that impelled England ’s
rise were much more fundamental than the Barro factors. They were connected to
the creation of new technologies and new forms of social organisation. Modern
LDCs however, mostly adapt existing technologies, instead of creating their own.
A developing country only starts creating technologies when it has reached an
advanced stage of development (see Korea ). Hence the factors that impelled
are much less important to today’s LDCs. So the Barro factors step in to fill
the gap.
Postscript May 2006
Since writing
that I have read “Governing the Market” about the single-minded control of Taiwan
development by Kuomintang. They were shamelessly import-substituting in the
1950s & 60s. However they did not make the mistake of the LAmericans, let
the manufacturers make shoddy merchandise unscathed. If domestic quality was
bad, the imports would roll in.
“Growing Public” makes a couple of claims about the Barro parameters, namely
that if Zimbabwe
and other kleptocracies were excluded, the negative effect of large state
sectors would disappear from the statistics. What was the other one?
[1] Saad-Filho (ed.) “Neoliberalism – A Critical Reader”, Pluto Press
[2] “Determinants of Ec Growth", MIT Press, 1997 & “Getting It
Right -– Mkts & Choices in a Free Soc", MIT Press, 1996.
[3] Theodore S Hamerow: The Birth of a New Europe .
State and Society in the Ninetheenth Century, Univ of N Carolina Press, 1983,
part 3. [Since Jan I have read “Kicking away the ladder” by that Korean guy.]
[4] Douglass North & Robert P Thomas: The Rise of the Western
World. A New Ec History, Cambridge
U Press 1973
Murky Markets
You use of the term "Obamalini” to
denote President Obama -- implying that Obama is a Fascist or resembles one --
indicates that your relationship to reality is murky, to say the least. I grew
up in a Fascist country and spent years studying the history of various
European Fascisms. Nothing, but NOTHING, President Obama has done has shown the
slightest resemblance to any kind of Fascism.
Your use of this cheap and mendacious slogan indicates that your ideas
are controlled by your political fantasies.
By the way, I don't even like Obama. I
think he's a stooge of Wall Street.
You have adroitly missed my point.
A “market” as such is a guarantee OF
NOTHING AT ALL. For there to be any assurance of a Pareto-optimal outcome, the
market MUST BE COMPETITIVE. You expressly proposed that the oligopolistic
finance sector decide how to allocate investment. We tried that. It didn't
That is the Big Lie of conservative
economics: attributing to ologoplistic markets subject to all kinds of market
failure all the virtues of a free, competitive market.
Conservative hypocrisy is nauseatingly
obvious: all of you turkeys are saying “Let the market do it!” I HAVE NEVER
You took the term “competitive market” and
amputated the “competitive" part, but you continue praising this rump
market as if it were the genuine article.
A cui bono
analysis of your statements would indicate that, while claiming to favor the
free market, you are actually nothing but a pimp for ologopolistic capital.
Wall Street’s claim to
be a “free market” resembles Communist East Germany calling itself the “German
Democratic Republic”. You conservatives are the new communists. But more
ruthless and less simpático.
You proposed that the oligopolistic finance
sector decide where to invest. In addition to being oligopolistic, Wall Street
is run by crooks. Goldman Sachs selected the worthless securitized mortgages to
be packaged and sold to investors -- lavishly decorated with triple A ratings -- and then turned around
and sold the very same securities short, because he knew they were going
to tank. Are you seriously proposing
that investment decisions be made by con men like Henry Paulson?
That means you're not only a pimp for big
corporations, but you are actually proposing that we subsidize organized crime.
Read my article The Austrian School of
Corporate Crime at
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