Dear BB. These are my tentative
conclusions after reading your note in GG today. –
As a student of Western economic history I
am alarmed by the shallow and ill-informed remarks you
occasionally seem compelled to utter, perhaps as part of your delusion that you
are really Friedrich Nietzsche.
Nietzsche could get away with writing a lot
of bullshit because news traveled slow in those days. By only hours after you blurted
out your economic clunkers -- obviously inspired more by a
spell of dyspepsia and Povean grandiloquence than by any careful observation of
economic reality, they were remotely detected by my sensitive nerve endings and
were promptly collared and dragged into operational HQ for a thorough and critical inspection by
yours truly.
The fantastic and utterly unfounded
economic claims you make -- without a shred of evidence --
are two in number and foul in nature. They seem calculated to reinforce
cantankerous behavior among flabby-minded congenitally retarded T
party fans. Be that as it may, I will
now proceed to demolish your quaint fictional and lugubriously mendacious claims
regarding contemporary history.
Next time you feel a strong urge to make a
big splash by blurting out some phony statement or other about the economy, I
suggest that you instead shoot yourself in a soft place – like your head, for
Your two preposterous claims:
1. “The Western welfare state is
built out of enormous, unthinkable quantities of debt. It
is the greatest Ponzi scheme in history, and its demise is mathematically
Just to give the reader an glimpse of the
profoundly fraudulent nature of these claims, I must at once point out that
during the classic welfare state period, “les trente glorieuses” as the
Frogs call it, the 30 glorious years of Western welfare-state consumerism that took off with the economic recovery from World War II in the
late 1940, only to founder in the quagmire of stagflation in the late 1970s. Those
three decades can by no means be characterized as debt-ridden. Debt became a
dirty word in the early 1980s, when Ronald Reagan put the kibosh on the welfare
state, slashed income taxes on the rich and thus providentially created a
monster shortfall in the US
government budget. This bulging government debt drove interest rates through
the ceiling, leading to much hardship in Latin America
– because the sneaky Wall Street crowd had
unloaded its petrodollars onto the unwary Latins, who signed on for huge debt
burdens, little suspecting that the spike in interest unleashed by Reagan-s
madcap schemes would squash their economies.
Debt became a big problem immediately after the political right took power in the US UK and lowered taxes,
accordingly using the huge debt it had itself deliberately created out of thin
air – to torpedo the welfare state it so detested. The welfare state was
not built on debt, it was built on taxes, contributions and mass consumption.
Consequently a brief glance at history seems to indicate that the facts are exactly
the diametrical opposite of what our doughty right-wing
author claims. Debt is not associated with the
welfare state, but rather began when finance capital around 1980 dislodged
manufacturing capital – one of the principal backers of the welfare state -- from
its privileged niche running public affairs and promptly replaced it as the
hegemonic force within the capitalist coalition, thus bringing the welfare
state to a close. I even conjecture that debt is the club with which
finance capital destroyed the welfare state.
2. “…
Socialism … weakened Western culture and allowed Islam to establish … a massive
beachhead.” This notion is exceedingly peculiar.
I am an expert on socialism, on 20th-century
European and American history, and on the welfare state too -- and
for the life of me I cannot imagine what grounds this man could have to claim such a preposterous thing. I am utterly mystified. I run the film of 19th
and 20th history through my head and can detect nothing even vaguely
comforting to such a curious belief. Obviously he just made it up on the spur
of the moment.
It's the new trend on the right-wing
horse-shit circuit-- creating elaborate historical
melodramas out of thin air on the spur of the moment, to lend a shade of
justification to the crackpot schemes they promote, usually --
alas! -- for ignoble ends.
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