The owners of fossil fuel
deposits and fossil fuel processing industries resist decarbonization measures like those proposed by Ms. Ocasio because they would entail wiping out
their investments. The value of fossil fuels in
the ground would drop to zero.
Therefore these owners are making every effort to thwart government decarbonization measures, which includes
public misinformation campaigns, lobbying and bribes.
these things cost money, and the money is paid out of the prospective revenue
flow from the fossil fuel investments.
the annihilation of the investments should be done preemptively, instead of
waiting for the market to assign a zero value to the investments because their
prospective revenue flow has dropped to zero.
petroleum multinationals discovered 40 years ago that the climate was going to
change, but they kept mum about it. Consequently
they have caused incalculable damage to the world economy. We should demand that
they be punished for their crimes. The punishment will consist of revoking
their corporate charters and seizing their assets.
way they will have no money to pay lobbyists and deceive the public.
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